Thursday, January 1, 2009

First Entry...Happy New Year


I’ve just looked over my page and I realized – it needs at least one blog entry. So here I am, writing something down. And now I am beginning to realize that hey – I have no idea what to write about!

So here goes ; the beginning of whatever it is I can think about within the next one minute. I think that before anything else, I should address the main question that comes to mind – what the heck am I doing on blogspot?

Again – I have absolutely no idea. Maybe it’s the boredom. I mean…I am bored right now. Totally bored. And so I decided to explore blogspot/blogger whatyoumaycallit. And guess what? Here I am! Yay!

Okay – that was lame.

And why am I writing now, at this present moment? Because…I am bored.

I blog. I have a Livejournal account. So why can’t I come up with anything remotely suitable to write here…as a first post?

I could tell you about me; except that I don’t think anyone would care. I mean – who the heck is even gonna read this, right? I’m just adding people at random. Btw – add me if you want, I don’t pop in often but when I do, I am usually in the mood for conversation.


The professor in my Personal Ethics class is having us fill out this “Preliminary Values Survey.” I figured I would post the questions and answers for your enjoyment…because I have nothing else to write about. It will, possibly, gain you insight into my mind. If what I have inside my skull can be called a mind.


1. For what purpose was I born?

–I often wonder about my purpose in life, and why I was put here on Earth. I know I’m here for a reason, and I like to think that it’s to help other people in whatever way I possibly can. But is that really all there is to it? Because I can’t fathom being entirely selfless. I’m a human being, and I have my selfish tendencies, though the things I’m selfish about are sometime more silly than logical. I will say that seeing my loved ones happy and at peace gives me a sense of satisfaction, especially when I know I’ve had a hand in making that peace and happiness come to fruition.

That sounded like a load of crap, and even I know it.

2. What do I want from life?

–I want a family of my own one day, though I don’t know if that will happen. And I want material possessions, like a big house near the mountains and overlooking the ocean. As for what I want otherwise, besides a family and a nice house, I’d like to be able to say that I’m completely content with who I am, that I believe that whatever decision I make in any situation is the right decision, and to be completely able to say that whatever I do, have done, and will do, I do of my own volition and not under the influence or manipulation of someone else. I want to know that I am strong enough to stand up for myself and the ones I care about. I want to inspire people to be better than they are, to seek within themselves the courage and strength they need in order to face the trials that life has to offer, and to have hope for better days during times of hardship. I guess I want a lot of things.

And the last bit about inspiring people? I wanted to sound concerned for the wellbeing of my fellow human beings. Well, I want to be concerned, and I am. I think. It’s just…I have no idea what the heck I am talking about again.

3. What am I willing to give to life?

–I am willing to give to life whatever I can offer. As vague as that is, I can’t think to put it any other way.

4. What main sources have established my most important current values?

–My parents have instilled my most important values in me, which are also highly influenced by the teachings of my religious faith. However, my experiences with friends, acquaintances, and strangers have helped me prioritize those values that I have been taught.

What didn’t I add? The current values I learnt from watching tv, and from self contemplation during those long lonely nights when I just can’t seem to sleep. I have pondered the creation of God in my mind, and I have come up with the answer – God created Himself.

5. What is the most important human quality?

–It’s impossible to pick just one human quality that is most important. Humility? Intelligence? Creativity? Adaptability? How is it possible to choose just one? If anything, the qualities of a human being work together to create a balance; for every negative trait, there is a positive. Thus, the question isn’t so much what quality is most important, but what is the best way to keep that balance from tipping more toward either side. As human beings, it’s not possible to be all good, but it’s impossible to be all bad (though to our perceptions, oftentimes the negative aspects of a person are more visible than the positive). But how to keep that balance? I have no idea.

6. If I found out today that I had only 5 hours left to live, what would I most regret not having done?

–I would probably most regret not being such a good person. Because I believe in life after death, and if there is a God, I have a bad feeling that He will not be too pleased with me.

7. If I had only one year to live, what would I do with it?

–If I only had a year left to live, I’d spend it traveling the world and seeing all the things I’ve always wanted to see like the Pantheon in Greece, the Colosseum in Rome, and the Swiss mountains. I’d lie to the bank, take a loan, travel and enjoy myself until one month before I die, during which time I will be kneeling in contrition seeking forgiveness for the bad things I’ve done in life.

And that is my first blog entry. Not by any means a very interesting or revealing blog entry, but one that will work, I think. And because I am soooo bored right now (and I mean seriously seriously bored right now) I am adding 54 complete strangers to my Yahoo! Messenger list. 54 people who have written stuff on their blogs, from musings to poetry to stuff that I can’t even classify.

So hey – if you want to chat, and not about SEX, add me! We could discuss politics, sports (cute NFL quarterbacks, etc), movies, music…whatever. Just add me, and if you see me on Livejournal, say hi!


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