Well, here I am at last. Blogger...or blogspot or whatever you want to call it. I've been meaning to create an account here - but I've always stuck to Livejournal and Yahoo 360, which, of course, recently closed (or at the time of this post is about to close). Weirdly enough, my Livejournal account, with family members and friends all reading (or so they claim) has a total hit number of...well, suffice to say, it was disappointing. What was surprising was that my Yahoo 360 profile got a total of 15,000 views in 6 months, which is really encouraging.
'Nuff said - lets start the blog proper.
As I am very possibly not linking this blog to any of the people I know, I shall have to begin by introducing myself, which, as you have probably realized, is not that easy a task to do. It's like the first day in a new school, or your first day at tutorials in college - when the teacher asks each person to stand up and introduce themselves. "State your name, and tell the class something interesting about yourself," he or she will say with that special smile that a person gets when he or she is about to watch live entertainment unfold before his or her very eyes.
I always go with something like this..."Hi. I'm *insert name here* and, uh...uh..." That's my problem. I never have anything to say about myself. Nothing that comes to mind, anyway. I mean, I can't exactly start by saying..."I'm narcissistic and arrogant and..." Nor can I go out and say..."I'm the middle sister of a trio of girls with a single dad because the woman who gave birth to us left some years ago." Things like that tend to make for poor conversation starters. They bring about those awkward silences which you really hate, especially since you are the focus of those silences and everyone's eyes is just boring into you like tiny drills that prick your skin and run across your nerves straight for the part of the brain that makes you blush and wish that the ground would open up and swallow you right down.
So anyway - call me Poison. It's a nickname I happen to like, okay? Don't ask me why - I'm not too sure myself. Maybe it's because Socrates died from ingesting poison hemlock. I like Socrates. Not entirely sure why either.
I am now sitting here and just wondering what to write. I could write about what I am going to write about in this blog - but that is something that I myself am not entirely sure about. Mostly just whatever comes to mind. I blog when I'm bored - which I am most of the time due to an undesirable lack of social life.
By the way - the *insert name here* is a joke taken right out of Terry Pratchett, an author that I absolutely adore.
Hmmm. This is really hard. I've read some of the 'Blogs of Note' and they are filled with stuff that is intelligent and interesting - two things which I am certainly not. There is a theory that when I die, the Intelligence Quotient of the universe will actually go up by a small yet significant fraction.
And yes - I stole that from Terry too. So there.
I think I'll end this here - I'm eager to see how I can tweak this blogspot thingy.
1 comment:
You're kind of cute when you squirm around and stuff.
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