I want to play this game so badly right now - I mean, watch the trailer and just imagine me as a Sith Lord-ess kicking Jedi butt. I have to officially call myself a Star Wars geek right now because of the overwhelming evidence presented to me...I borrowed tons of Star Wars comics from my friend. And it has resulted in the above.
He had a black cloak all ready for me to use, but it had a freaking rat hiding inside. I mean...OMG right? So I had to wear what I had on...so behold - Darth Jessica, epic fail Sith Lord.
That does look like an awesome game... who's the person with the jet pack? You'd certainly be the hottest Sith Lord, although you look a little uncertain about the saber :-p
That looks absolutely amazing. I've liked KOTOR games, and this one looks like it'll blow those out of the water. Wow. Nice lightsaber, by the way.
Is that a lightsaber or are you just pleased to see me....?
I make myself chuckle...
I always knew you were a geek.
If you have any questions about the game, let me know. I might be able to interview the dev team soon.
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