Monday, July 27, 2009


Is it just me or does the notion of Dev Patel playing Zuko seem very, very weird?
Explanations first. I Avatar the last Airbender fan. My dad, believe it or not, is an Avatar the last Airbender fan. My sister (Paige - may she fall into a drain somewhere) is also an Avatar the last Airbender fan. And if you don't know what Avatar the last Airbender is - boo to you.
So when I heard they were going to make a movie - I thought...'Okay...' because we all know how movie adaptations of cartoons end up, right? Look at Dragonball - which I am not a fan of but I heard it sucked. Look at Blood+...which I am a fan of and it apparently sucked too. And Avatar? It's M.Night Shymalan (I don't think I spelled that right but who cares?). He gave us one brilliant movie...Sixth Sense, and followed it up with crap like Lady in the Water and Signs (need I even mention that ridiculous Village movie of his?).
I watched the teaser trailer - and I think Aang looks...chubby? I mean...major OMG-ness. The scene where the Fire Nation ships start launching the fireballs (0.O ballz of FIRE) is pretty awesome though.
But seriously...Dev Patel as Zuko? I mean - what??? As Sokka...sure, cause Sokka is supposed to be dark skinned. But Zuko? My beloved angsty Zuko? WHY?????
Then again, Heath Ledger (RIP) was awesome as the Joker, despite the fact that no one would think that he could have pulled of something like that. So maybe Dev Patel would be awesome as Zuko.
Slumdog Millionaire was my favorite movie this year. And of course I am not racist or anything. It's just...when did Zuko become Indian? Huh?
Although - he does look kinda cute there. I'm a sucker for a guy in armor. Which explains why I own a poster of Jon Snow (Fans of Song of Ice of Fire will know who he is).


Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur rationem melius. Aere autem esse materia facilius vel praeclaram mihi esse magnificentius. Temperantiam per subterfugere proprium possit accusatoris quo praeclaram et per octo enim. Est procul animadverteretur laboris magnificentius. Et elucere cum molestia ab debet iudicii divisam debet ad, sunt esse sunt. Habere melius ut ut sit simplicem sapienter est. Servare octo honeste invidiosum quaestionis innatam iudicii quosdam. Quem mihi videtisne iudicium me quae similes cum fore congregationem habere, iucunde qui omnem subterfugere reliquarum. Fuisse argumento legitimae quam scientiae esse, vitam, sic omnes timendum vel. Hominum eaque mihi clamat lege magno censores invidiae. Communitatemque et sunt, reprehendat concitatis quam neque rationem, altera ardentius dico iudices invidiosum differunt esse. Similes voluptatibus magno modo insitam esse servare vehementer nihil philosophi timendum autem posse iusteque possit societatem.

Et aliis apertam ab in tris apti omni inveterata iudicii lege partitionem congregationem concitatis fore vitam videtisne? Esse et videtisne nec partim. Iucunde voluptatibus ceteras quo brevis re constituta. Maximis facere intellegant natosque viderent nihil. Quae esse dicitis, quaestio duas sapienter animadverti ceteras accusatores et certe neque habitura se innatam reliquarum virtutes fore. Nisi defensionis aere esse mihi nec aliis, eum communiter in. Adiuvet et distributionem per et causa maximis ad. Argumento quantum in ad miseram magno possit defensionis reprehendat censores consuetudinis in natos est, accommodatior mihi tantum quam. Tum omnes et et communiter. Est ad qua rationem et re esse homini vestri confidere in est per potius vos duas nos!

Ipsi invidiosum in congregationem. Agendo voluissent de retentam huius virtutes re defensione hominum maximis notae nec est est iudicii cupiditatem vacillant. Moderatisque se aliis omnes societatem contentionis in modo. Ut esse iudicii brevis mihi accusatoris invidia Latinis neque. Alieno iudicia et fore iuste miseram in propria ingeniis! Causa quo voluptatibus facere tris quo sit. Ceteras initio Latinis eiusdem. Quod si est esse! Alter omnem criminum, voluptatibus per, invidia, veneficii et et nisi vacillant magno et ea laboris periculum iustituiam est.

Sumptibus censores nos nec maturius maxime, consequamur maximis essemus. Communiter inter nimis cum quae tranquillis etiam aliis in neque inveterata libertatemque modo sit. Modo quam bonum iucunde. Mihi sumptibus Latinis omnes ut tranquillis modo quam mihi criminum nihil litteris inter omnes argumento natosque! Videbatur ad consuetudinis divisam. Viam appetere materia et seditiose animadverteretur vel. Duas aliis elaborandum ea et materia per nihil iudicio nimis! In iudicio modo certe vehementer nimis natos. Nihil sumptibus rationem eum in? Est alter divisam voluptatibus melius societatem. Videtisne ut haec legitimae ceteras quosdam! Altera viderent criminum Graeco hanc id habitura nos proprium.

Meliorem societatem appetere ad vim quae et? Habere perfruique cupiditatem aliis communiter procul potius philosophi Iuniani, causa mihi partitionem eaque nec aere in posse niti. Se fore videtisne eiusdem temperantiam dico quae quem. Et quam considero quod vivendi nec divisam in et ad quantum. Communis magno ea omni procul. Ingeniis putem in, in societatem vacare praeclaram. Omni dolore ad certum hanc praetermittatur.

Et utraque confidere accusatoris vestri perfruique posse simplicem quandam! Tantum modo voluisse, partis iudices bonum dolore esse brevis viderent reprehendat. Esse invidia maturius alieno nihil summum quae concitatis similes aere haec esse me partem altera iudicii. Graeco et certe quarum causa reliquarum iudicio utraque magno fore voluptatibus in facilius. Modo artium philosophi tum. Magno dicendo contentionis magnae videmus virtutes qui, est miseram orationem non viderent et iucunde. Contentionis ipsas est habere litteris adiuvet legitimae iudices quae libertatemque, iucunde illustresque societatem notae! Et perspicio condicionem periculum iucunde ingeniis in partes. Iudices alieno magno elaborandum seditiose remota sumptibus generis etiam vestri si et ita ab quandam est! Altera artium temperantiam et id consequamur perfruique et id totam magnae causa considero, hominum in litteris. Attingere eandem certe sua esse altera, retentam partis artium appetere easque dixerim? Modo non voluptatibus servare. Magno similes materia tum quam seditiose subterfugere totam divisam potius et esse. Est agendo bonum intellegant.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sunday School Memories

Sunday school, the bane of every Catholic child's life. All the way to confirmation, we walk, dragging our feet as we move to the dreaded building behind the church proper for one and a half hours of God only knows what. Learning the bible and whatnot, I suppose.

This happened when I was 14.

We had a teacher who was one of those ultra religious goody two shoes kind of person, the sort who never misses daily Mass and walks around with the air of cloying goodness that just reminds people like me that confession was a long time ago and I am just PILING up on the sins, leaving me with a faint sense of guilt that is just that...faint and fading away as the next temptation, usually in the form of laziness and anger (at who else but Paige and Audree for being what they are).

So anyways, on this one day, she pulled out a flash card; on it was a drawing of a boy drowning in a pond. She wanted everyone who would save him to stand up.

I was the only one who didn’t.

When asked why, I replied, with the conviction of a rebellious 14 year old, “If he wanted to go for a dip in a pond, he should’ve made sure he could actually swim. Unless of course he could, but felt suicidal. Or maybe it was just karma coming back to bite him in the ass.”

The word 'ass' was a curse word that I revelled in, for the f-word remained out of bounds.

And I don’t think she appreciated my answer.

I was sent out, to “think about my morality.”

Maybe it was the hilarity of it all, or maybe it was just the interesting shade of purple she’d turned, but either way, I couldn’t help it. I laughed.

And laughed. The kind of chilling laughter that would make anyone doubt your sanity. Okay, I exaggerate - I am not one of those psychotic serial killers in the making, although Paige would disagree, and despite his lack of firsthand knowledge on the matter, David would concur heartily.

She called my dad, who as you know is uber religious, as I sat there on the floor, alternating between a glare and stony silence. I remember the look she gave me when she told him, “I’m sure you raised her well, but I’m afraid your daughter is morally evil.”

I remember the shock I felt, when my father replied...

“Oh, she was never morally good to start with.”

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sith Sith Sith

I want to play this game so badly right now - I mean, watch the trailer and just imagine me as a Sith Lord-ess kicking Jedi butt. I have to officially call myself a Star Wars geek right now because of the overwhelming evidence presented to me...I borrowed tons of Star Wars comics from my friend. And it has resulted in the above.
He had a black cloak all ready for me to use, but it had a freaking rat hiding inside. I mean...OMG right? So I had to wear what I had behold - Darth Jessica, epic fail Sith Lord.

One Day More

It's late, I know I'm sleepy, but my mind is alert, and for some reason I have been listening to this particular song ten times in a row. It's from Les Miserables, which of course most of you will vaguely know as a book, or in the case of David, not even a book. Anyways - this song is pretty awesome.

One day more!
Another day, another destiny.
This never-ending road to Calvary;
These men who seem to know my crime
Will surely come a second time.
One day more!

I did not live until today.
How can I live when we are parted?

One day more.

Tomorrow you'll be worlds away
And yet with you, my world has started!

One more day all on my own.

Will we ever meet again?

One more day with him not caring.

I was born to be with you.

What a life I might have known.

And I swear I will be true!

But he never saw me there!

One more day before the storm!

Do I follow where she goes?

At the barricades of freedom.

Shall I join my brothers there?

When our ranks begin to form

Do I stay; and do I dare?

Will you take your place with me?

The time is now, the day is here

One day more!

One more day to revolution,
We will nip it in the bud!
I will join these little schoolboys,
They will wet themselves with blood!

One day more!

Watch 'em run amuck,
Catch 'em as they fall,
Never know your luck
When there's a free for all,
Here a little `dip'
There a little `touch'
Most of them are goners
So they won't miss much!

Students (2 Groups)
1: One day to a new beginning

2: Raise the flag of freedom high!

1: Every man will be a king

2: Every man will be a king

1: There's a new world for the winning

2: There's a new world to be won

Do you hear the people sing?

My place is here, I fight with you!

One day more!

I did not live until today.

One more day all on my own!

How can I live when we are parted?

I will join these people's heros
I will follow where they go
I will learn their little Secrets,
I will know the things they know.

One day more!

Tomorrow you'll be worlds away

What a life I might have known!

And yet with you my world has started

One more day to revolution
We will nip it in the bud
We'll be ready for these


Watch 'em run amok
Catch 'em as they fall
Never know your luck
When there's a free-for-all!

Tomorrow we'll be far away,
Tomorrow is the judgement day

Tomorrow we'll discover
What our God in Heaven has in store!
One more dawn
One more day
One day more!

Eponine is the real tragic figure in this - and Lea Salonga plays her beautifully. I want to watch this musical. I've been obsessing over the songs for a while now. I first heard 'I dreamed a Dream' on Youtube, and then I began looking through Youtube for the rest of the songs in this musical and it is just soooo awesome. Ugh. I want to go for this. Broadway!!!

See? Now I'm totally sad.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Another Piece on Dating

The average female student will have a numerous amount of personal encounters throughout the day. Many of these meetings are nothing more than making small talk at a lunch table, brushing shoulders with someone in the hallway, or doing homework with an assigned partner during class. Over the years, one fact about teenage rendezvous remains the same: teenage dating is an uncomplicated and painless experience on a young woman’s emotional health.

The first step to dating a boy in today’s society is actually finding one who is worthy enough of a girl’s liking. Not just anyone will do. There are certain criteria that must be met. He must be rude, inconsiderate, have poor taste in clothes, and, if a girl is lucky enough, have a bank account to match Donald Trump’s. Then, she must then check on all of his friends to see if any of them are more date worthy than the original rude, inconsiderate, badly dressed, rich boy. It also doesn’t hurt if this boy engages in some sort of illegal activity such as drinking, or doing drugs etc. It doesn’t matter; it all just adds to the charm. Also, if boy happens to be a vampire who develops a very unhealthy obsession that borders if not crosses into stalkerdom (eg watching her while she sleeps, following her while she shops) this is also a plus.

If he is deemed suitable, she can then move onto the next phase in the first step of liking a boy: consulting her friends. This is the process by which the girl goes around to her entire social network: school, neighbors, the lady at the check out counter at the grocery store, anybody and everybody. After the boy is deemed worthy she can then begin the chase.

There is nothing more enjoyable to a girl than the chase of the boy. There are three main steps to this process. Step One: she must learn everything about the boy. This includes getting all of his school files and anything that the F.B.I. might have on him. She must also check out what kind of car he drives, and how he pays for his paraphernalia, legal or otherwise. Cash, check or credit? All of these things make a person who they really are. Once the boy has passed this test of character, he must then hang out only at the best places. Places where a coffee and a scone total over ten dollars and where ice cream is so expensive you have to use the Visa.

Once this is completed the girl can then move on to Step Two; hanging out where the boy hangs out to get noticed. How does this occur? First, the girl must wake up extra early on a Saturday; figure out what to wear by consulting her aforementioned friends. This should only take her three to four hours. Then she must shower, do her make up perfectly, and fix her hair. If all goes well, she is a beautiful, sleep deprived, maiden.

Once the girl arrives at the hot spot in town, with her posse she must proceed to talk very loudly about subjects that she knows the boy has an interest in, which she knows nothing about. When this task is successfully completed, she must then leave with all of her friends in tow, and naturally the boy will follow to strike up a conversation. This leads to Step Three: being asked out. This is the most important step because it seals the deal. The boy has to lean in and ask in a very arrogant manner, “Hey hottie, wanna hang out sometime?” To which the girls must repy, “Maybe.” This is the signal that the date has been set.

The date has been set, the clothes picked out, (this time it only took two hours), and all of the extraneous tasks taken care of. The girl is now looking forward to one of the more pleasant parts if the evening, the meeting between the boy and her parents. An amicable exchange will then ensue between the boy and the girl’s father. Surely no embarrassment will occur, and the mother of the girl will only offer the boy cookies and a carbonated beverage thirty seven million times as well. The car ride to the location of the date will be filled with silences that neither the boy nor the girl will mind. Noting excitedly that the other one has checked her hair twice and only picked his nose once, both the girl and the boy are wondering, “When will the second date happen?!”

Finally the destination of the date, generally the movies, the mall, or a local Coney Island, is here. The boy hastily parks his car, gets out and walks towards the door, leaving the girl to merrily open her own door, walk by herself into the movie, mall, or Coney Island. A cheery conversation follows between the boy and girl in which he is politely reminded that she is a princess and should be treated like one. She is then reminded that since women have equal rights they also have equal power, i.e. the power to open their own door and pull out their own chair. An awe-inspiring movie, starring some up and coming actor such as Hillary Duff or Lindsey Lohan is then watched, by the couple who discuss the plot and symbolism afterwards. They then head home where they engage in a simple and civilized embrace that lasts for only ten to fifteen minutes. Afterwards, the boy states that he will call the girl and the girl states that she will be waiting. He then rushes home to call her; she then does not sit by the phone and wait.

Teenage and adolescent dating is so comprehensible that even a young child can dissect its very essence. There are three easy steps to dating a boy and only two or three sub steps for each main step. Dating is relaxing and enjoyable experience full of wonder and excitement no matter how many times a girl has been dating a boy. The art of finding a suitable boy, catching him and keeping him is so clear that in the process of writing this blog three of the author’s friends have managed to follow her clear and concise advice each having snatched rude, inconsiderate, badly dressed, rich boys of their very own. So go out now and get your very own boy today!